November 2024 Allocutio
Allocutio November 2024 by: Lucy Waty – President
Love as the Heart of Our Service and Personal Holiness
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Today, we are reminded of the importance of love in our lives and in our service as members of the Legion of Mary. In his letter to the Corinthians, Saint Paul teaches that without love, everything we do is useless.
Even if I could speak every language or have great knowledge, without love, it means nothing
Even if we have great gifts like faith that can move mountains or deep wisdom, it means nothing without love. Paul describes love as patient, kind, not jealous, not proud, and not quick to anger. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
As legionaries, we are called to make love the foundation of all our actions. In the Handbook of the Legion of Mary, in the section “Personal Holiness: The Object and Means,” we are reminded that a holy life is the main path to our mission, which is the glory of God and the salvation of souls. This section quotes Jesus in John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who abide in me, and I in them, bear much fruit; for apart from me, you can do nothing.”
Love is both our tool and our goal. As branches connected to Jesus, the vine, we are called to bear fruit, and that fruit is love. With genuine love, we can face the challenges of service, reaching every soul with a gentle and understanding heart. Love is not only our motivation but also the strength that helps us to be humble, patient, and to give our best, even when we face difficulties.
This part of the Handbook also reminds us that every member of the Church is called to holiness. This holiness is shown in real acts of love, in every small service we give, in every kind word, and in every good intention for the benefit of others. In our service, we do not seek praise or reward but aim for the glory of God and to help others grow in faith.
Let us reflect on this:
1. Is love truly the foundation of every action we take in our Legion service?
2. Do we show patience and humility, as Saint Paul teaches in his letter?
3. How can we draw closer to Christ, the Vine, so that we may continue to bear good fruit?
May the endless love of God flow through us, and through every small action we do, may more people feel God’s presence. We are called not only to be faithful in our duties but to fill them with genuine love
Love never ends. Prophecies will end, languages will stop, and knowledge will fade. Now, these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. Amen .