September 2024 Allocutio

 The Tessera – A Sign of Unity in the Legio

I know all of you are already familiar with the Tessera. We carry it with us in our meetings and use it during our prayers. But today, I want to take a moment to reflect a little deeper on what it truly means for us as members of the Legion of Mary.

Today, I want to talk about the Tessera. This small leaflet is given to every member of the Legion of Mary, both active and auxiliary. It contains our prayers and a picture of the Legion, but it is more than just a piece of paper.

The word “Tessera” comes from Latin, and it originally meant a token or symbol shared between friends, so they could always recognize each other. In the Roman army, the Tessera was a square tablet that had the watchword written on it, which was passed to all the soldiers to remind them of their mission.

For us, the Tessera holds the same meaning. It reminds us of our watchword, which is our prayers. It also shows that we are united as one family in the Legion, no matter where we are in the world. When we say the prayers of the Tessera, we are connected to every other legionary, whether they are active members or supporting us with their prayers as auxiliaries.

These prayers are not just words; they are what unite us and give us strength. Father Ramiere once said, “Our strength lies in united prayer; this alone will make us invincible.” This means that when we pray together, we become stronger and can face any challenge.

In this world, we often feel weak and tired, but we are not alone. Just like travellers who need each other’s help on a difficult journey, we support each other through prayer. When we come together in prayer, our efforts are powerful and can make a real difference.

The Tessera is more than a leaflet. It is a symbol of our unity and strength. Let us always keep it close to our hearts and remember that through united prayer, we are invincible in our mission to serve Our Blessed Mother.

“So, as we continue our work in the Legion, let us always remember the true meaning of the Tessera. It is more than just words or a token we carry—it is a symbol of our unity and our shared mission. Let us cherish it and always keep in mind that through our prayers, we are connected with legionaries all over the world, and through this unity, we find strength. .”Amen

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