August Allocutio 2024

Allocutio August 2024. By: Lucy Waty/President.

Harmony – The Expression of Unity Ch 19.18.

Today, let’s talk about something very important in our meetings and in our work as Legionaries: harmony. Harmony is when we show our spirit of love through our actions and words. It is essential that harmony leads our meetings because it shows that we are united in our purpose and in our love for each other and for our mission.

In the Legion, being efficient doesn’t mean we forget about being harmonious. Achieving great things should not disturb our peaceful and respectful atmosphere. If we lose harmony, we might not really be succeeding, no matter what we achieve.

We must avoid behaviors that break our harmony. This includes being too pushy, finding fault in others too quickly, showing anger, being cynical, or acting like we are better than others. These actions can hurt our unity. When we let these behaviors into our meetings, harmony disappears quickly.

So, as we continue our work, let’s remember to support each other, speak kindly, and respect each other’s views. Let’s make our meetings a place where everyone adds. This way, our unity and harmony will help us to be more effective in all we do.

For Presidents and Leaders:

As leaders, you set the tone for harmony. It’s important to encourage open dialogue and ensure that all voices are heard. Leaders should model the behavior they expect from members, showing respect, patience, and understanding. Avoid behaviors like dominance, unnecessary criticism, or showing frustration, which can disrupt harmony.

For Every Member:

Each member contributes to the harmony of the group. Support your fellow Legionaries by listening actively, offering help, and showing appreciation for others’ contributions. Steer clear of behaviors that can harm unity, such as being overly critical, cynical, or showing superiority. Remember, a harmonious meeting is everyone’s responsibility.

So, as we continue our mission, let’s all strive to foster an environment where everyone feels respected and valued. By promoting and practicing harmony, both as leaders and members, we strengthen our collective effectiveness and embody the true spirit of the Legion.

So , let us each bring this spirit of harmony into every interaction within our Legion. By doing so, we inspire not only our own praesidium but every council and member we touch. Let’s keep our hearts open, our minds willing to learn, and our spirits committed to the principles of love and unity. May this commitment to harmony drive us forward, fostering an environment where every member thrives and contributes to our collective mission. Together, with harmony at the forefront, we can achieve great things for our community and for the greater glory of God.

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